Montessori believes that the elementary stage of development is one of the greatest expansions of knowledge. Children who continue to use the Montessori materials can now work for longer periods of time so each discipline is expanded. The child's self-expression is encouraged and is without comparison to others. The larger classroom is explored through many educational field trips to museums, exhibits, sites of industry, and nature visits. The Montessori student displays a respect for others and an intellectual curiosity while on these trips.

Language Arts
Language is important for every discipline and Montessori develops these skills rapidly. There is early use of manuscript writing, outline use, advanced grammar, creative writing, journalism, literature review, and book reports of Pulitzer classics. Review of skills is available as well, such as spelling through phonogram materials.
There are many Montessori materials for the study of mathematics available for the student. The mastery of the major operations is encouraged and then new concepts are introduced. These include graphing, fractions, decimals, mathematician reports, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and economics.
Visual Arts
This curriculum shares themes from other disciplines. With self expression encouraged, the students study ceramics, textiles, sculptures, photography, painting, drawing, design, art history, and theory. An annual art fair allows the students to exhibit specific works.

Social Studies
The social science curriculum emphasizes geography as a foundation. This includes a mastery of land/water forms, map reading, national flags, and world customs. There is an annual school International Fair with exhibits prepared by each student. The use of time lines and nomenclature materials assists the student in the understanding of history. The history includes studies community, the United States, ethnic and gender study, world history, and ancient nations. An annual reenactment of a historical period is conducted which brings history to life.
Natural Sciences
The elementary student develops concrete skills and knowledge through the study of science collections with matching nomenclature. Life sciences, earth sciences, and physical sciences are explored and discoveries made while respecting all of nature. Eventually the work progresses into abstract study of the sciences. Frequent experimentations and dissections are included while research and technology assists in overall review. Every student keeps a journal record of all explorations and discoveries. There is an annual school science fair with exhibits prepared by each student.
The music curriculum permits self expression and increases the awareness of other disciplines, such as mathematics. Theory, appreciation, song, instruments, and rhythms are included. A band exists for the student to display music in various recitals during the year.

Various dancing styles are instructed on the dance floor. They may include tap, modern, jazz, and ballet. A recital is held annually with all style exhibited.

Physical Education
Various classes are instructed in gymnastics, yoga, soccer, exercise, and games.