Every Montessori school specializes in different aspects of a child's development. Although every Montessori classroom is unique, the following characteristics are at the heart of the Montessori Method.

A Montessori education is focused on teaching and understanding. Active learning through hands-on activities and exercises rather than "book learning" is emphasized in order to encourage the development of the creative and analytical mind. Dr. Montessori always emphasized that the hand is the chief teacher of the child. All equipment in a Montessori classroom allows a child to use their hands in the learning process. The tactile and kinesthetic system of leaning permanently reinforces the skill to be learned-'muscular memory' is a strong tool in the classroom. The special equipment that Dr. Montessori used is called "auto-didactic" which means "self-correcting." Today, we refer to these tools as "Montessori equipment" or just "materials."
When we combine the Montessori equipment with child sized tables and chairs, low stimulation and teachers eager to assist the child's exploration, we call this the prepared environment. After the child has been taught how to use each set of materials, he or she is free to select materials independently and allow to study his or her chosen materials uninterrupted. The prepared environment will look different at each level of education, but the principles that remain unchanged are order, beauty, and simplicity.

Dr. Montessori determined that each child's individual development occurred systematically in predictable steps according to age. She organized these steps into four planes and contained within the planes are "sensitive periods." A Montessori education respects, enhances, and utilizes the individual child's natural evolution through these planes.
First Plane: Absorptive Period (Birth - 3 years) and Sensorial Period (3 - 6 years)
Second Plane: Intellectual or Conceptual (6 - 12 years)
Third Plane: Humanistic (12 - 18 years)
Fourth Plane: Specialization (18-24 years)